A Fórum Hungary jóvoltából nálunk debütál egy vadonatúj kép az ALICE IN WONDERLAND-ből, melyen Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp) épp tökfödője nélkül látható. Jelen pozíciójában én nem cikizném a vörös fürtjeit. (A kép klikkre HD-minőségben abszolválható).
Bónuszként pedig íme a karakter leírása:
THE MAD HATTER (Johnny Depp) doesn’t just wear his heart on his sleeve—his ever-changing moods are quite literally reflected in his face and his attire. He’s been anxiously awaiting Alice’s return and is, arguably, her one true friend, believing in her when nobody else does. He is fearless, going to great lengths to protect her at his own risk. Once the proud hat maker for the White Queen, the Hatter has been affected by mercury poisoning, an unfortunate side effect of the hat-making process, and isn’t altogether well.