Az Empire már látta. Kedvenc kritikusom, Kim Newman adott rá négy csillagot, ami nem rossz. A teljes kritikát nem olvastam végig, de a végszó egyszerre ígéretes és elgondolkodtató:
"A pacy, visually imaginative follow-up. If it doesn’t even try to be bigger than Casino Royale, that’s perhaps a smart move in that there’s still a sense at the end that Bond’s mission has barely begun and he’ll need a few more movies to work his way up to destroying the apparently undefeatable Quantum organisation. The only real caveat is that while it’s exciting, it’s not exactly anyone’s idea of fun. To keep in the game, perhaps the next movie could let the hero enjoy himself a bit more."
Update: A Total Film nem volt ennyire kegyes a 22. Bondhoz:
"Best Bond Ever?
Definitely not. The action is loud and proud, but the story feels disjointed and muddled, with some uneven flecks of comedy. Still, Craig's presence keeps the edges from fraying too far and Forster just about nails the extra levels or artsiness and melancholy."