aeon flux

ready for the action now, danger boy?

megamind funfacts Zalaba_Ferenc
2010. november 02. 09:35:10

Kategória: Szólj hozzá!

Promocikkeket nem túl gyakran közülünk le, de ez esetben kivételt teszünk, ugyanis a közölt adatok, leírások alapján gondolkodóba ejtő, mekkora melóval is jár egy olyan kis animációs filmecske elkészítése, mint amilyen a MEGAMIND lesz.

Promocikkeket nem túl gyakran közülünk le, de ez esetben kivételt teszünk, ugyanis a közölt adatok, leírások alapján gondolkodóba ejtő, mekkora melóval is jár egy olyan kis animációs filmecske elkészítése, mint amilyen a MEGAMIND lesz.


  • Total storyboard panels on Megamind - 99,590
  • Total storyboard panels of 1300 “Dating/Training” - 7,534
  • Total script versions of 1300 “Dating/Training” – 103


  • Megamind is 5'5'' tall. However, he is only 4 1/2 heads tall proportionately. This makes him the same head to body proportions as a toddler or a Lego mini figure.
  • Megamind uses three guns in the film. The dehydrator pistol, the DNA infuser gun, and the giant dehydrator gun on the Spiderbot.
  • It would not be possible to model all the buildings in Metro City if the production did not write special software called the 'City System' to automatically grow all the non-specific buildings in the city. Metro City also has a functional highway system.
  • Metroman's biceps are 25'' in diameter. Bigger than Arnold Schwarzenegger at the height of his career.
  • The Giant robot was 46 1/2 feet tall.


  • There are four types of crowds in the film: people, birds, cars, and brainbots.
  • There are over a million total crowd characters in the film.
  • The plaza crowds consist of over 58,000 people.
  • There are 120,000 cars driving around the city.
  • The density of crowd car traffic was determined by the area of the city in which they appear – industrial areas had fewer cars than residential and downtown areas.
  • The city streets were intentionally not completely horizontal, so all crowd cars were animated to settle into their spots according to the slope.
  • Jellyfish were used as reference for the crowd brainbot motion.


  • There were over 10,000 simulated garments were used in the movie including 726 capes and over 5500 crowd characters.
  • 320 total simulated garments were developed for the movie including 44 original garments designed for hero characters, 39 original garments designed for generic characters and 237 garments for generic variations.

(For reference, here's how this stat compares to other DWA shows: Dragon: 90

garments / MVA: 106 garments / Shrek 4: 138 garments).

  • There were 12 face smashes in the movie. (most are against the window)
  • The biggest simulated garment shot in the film was 3500/118 with a total of 390 simulated garments. (1 cape, 363 "massive" crowd characters, and 26 non crowd garments.
  • There were 9 shots with over 100 garments simulated in them.
  • 1317 man weeks were used for Megamind CFX which works out to over 25 years of work if one person was doing it or 6585 workdays.
  • The curtains simulated on the movie were large, ranging in size from 58 feet tall, 81 feet tall, and 405 feet tall.
  • The Idea Wall has 979 strings in the model, as well as 6625 pieces of paper.
  • Megamind CFX worked with a professional tailor early in production to learn more about clothing design, tailoring, fitting, and other cloth properties so the simulated garments could more accurately mimic real life.
  • Megamind CFX artists sewed their own capes and wore them while doing serious research and development such as flying on rope swings, zip lines, and indoor skydiving.


  • The little bolts of electricity were created using the same software used to generate hair and grass.
  • The dust coming off the thrown building was calculated in over 13.5 billion discreet locations.
  • Reference for the Metro Man “water tornado” (during the Metro Man celebration) included movies from a myriad of Las Vegas water fountain shows.
  • The giant Megamind Brainbot head in the finale is made of nearly 100,000 individual Brainbots.
  • The mega-explosion of the Observatory took a team of 7 artists nearly four months to create.
  • How many raindrops make up a downpour?  For Megamind it was nearly 700,000.


  • The lighting reference for the police surrounding the City Hall in sq 200 was the exterior shots from the movie Die Hard.
  • To create a final image of Minion it required rendering elements in seven different layers.
  • The stolen loot visible in the mayor's office in sq 502, in addition to stacks of cash and gold bars, includes: The Ark of the Covenant, the "Mona Lisa", the sleigh "Rosebud", the Maltese Falcon, the Crown Jewels of England, Van Gogh's "Starry Night", a "Face Melter" video game, a red Ferrari, a yellow scooter, several Emmy and Oscar awards, several Greek marble statues, Cezanne's painting "Pyramid of Skulls", a ten speed bike, Caravaggio's painting "Medusa", Fragonard's painting "The Swing", a self portrait of Rembrandt, the 2010 World Cup, a collection of Ming dynasty vases and an original draft of the Constitution.
  • Sequence 1900 – Tighten flying with Roxanne over the city – was one of our more complex sequences. Shot 24 (Roxanne being thrown over the building) required over 3500 layers in Lighting to do the compositing work.


  • Metrocity took up 1 TB of disk space with over 90,000 buildings and roads.
  • Metro tower is 3,172 ft high, 455 ft taller than the tallest building in the world (Burj Khalifa, skyscraper in Dubai)
  • Several shots took over 24 hours to render, with the maximum being 50 hours for a single shot.


  • It took 5 cases of Red Bull to keep the Creatives going during the last month of delivering the film.
  • Pho was ordered for dinner every night for over 11 weeks.


animation brad pitt will ferrell dreamworks tina fey 3d cinema

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