aeon flux

ready for the action now, danger boy?

2006. január 24. 17:14:20

Kategória: Szólj hozzá!

CBB group. egy elvetemült filmrajongókból álló társaság, akik a (szerintük) elbaltázott filmek újravágásával töltik az idejüket. nagyon ráérhetnek. (tudom, mások meg 150-es filmlistát tutujgatnak a szabadidejükben.) a csapat eddigi munkái:

1. Hannibal - Hannibalized edition (NTSC) the old one was (PAL)
2. Star Trek -Kirkless Generations (PAL)
3. The Matrix deZIONized (PAL)
4. 27 Days later (a.k.a. 28 days later -soldier redux edition) (PAL)
5. Doomed by the Boogeyman (NTSC)
6. High Tension -minus one edit (NTSC)
7. Creasy - a MAN ON FIRE fanmade edition (NTSC)

a címek magukért beszélnek. további infóért, borítókért olvasgasd ezt a fórumot. a csapat legutóbb a war of the worldsöt vágta újra: az eredetileg 114 perces filmből 91 perc maradt. hmm. íme a leírás:

We were very disappointed when we watched the original theatrical release in the cinema and even more disappointed when we saw the DVD quality... This could have been a great movie, but it wasn't. Rated with 3.5 of 5 almost everywhere this is just your average science fiction movie. But this one had great acting, great action adn great aliens. So what spoiled the fun? Well, Tim Robbins did. Why? Because he was too much of a madman to be believable, he was overacting. Sorry, Tim. AND it is just not in Ray's character to murder Harlan the way he did. Ray is no murderer. AND the ending was a hit in the face to the audience. THis is the 21st century! In 1940 it may have been accurate for aliens to be penetrated by bacteria, but not in our times. There is a lot that makes you wonder when you think about the alien technology, but getting ill with no cure is just weak. And Ray's homecoming and finding Robby there....NOOOOO!
That is why we needed to change some things here. Our edition features no Tim Robbins, no micro organisms, no stupid ending, but way more war. To achieve what we wanted we used scenes from different movies and created a whole new ending. Be surprised.



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